Hey Everyone,

Hope everyones having a great summer! Just wanted to forward this around because I got it from Airsoft Reloaded this morning, its their reply to our epic huge e-mail. 

My initial thoughts on it are that we can't buy the kit they're suggesting ourselves but i'm sure we can buy maybe 10 or so and offer the deal to our members themselves (hell I'd love full indoor and outdoor gear for less than 70!) but I'd say its impractical (beyond belief) for us to try equip the whole society.

Other than that, which was really the main point of their email, the rest of it seems completely fine. Leafletting for them shouldn't be an issue and I'm sure we can work something out with regards helping them with their website (Tom! ;) lol)!

I would greatly appreciate it if everyone could reply to this as soon as they get a chance. Mike and Ciaran aren't on this mailing list yet (not sure why) but I've emailed em individually with this. In other news, we got the flags and the banners which absolutely rock!

Anyway, hope to hear from you all soon. And really hope this damn list works!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <info@airsoftreloaded.ie>
Date: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: DCU
To: David Doyle <david.d2@gmail.com>

Hi Dave,

We agree with basically everything you have asked for except for the folling:

1, We will not be able to provide transport I'm afraid (whenever we get
some we will though).

2, We can definitely do the spring shoot for you but we don't know about
the Christmas shoot because those months can be very busy and we would
maybe loose a lot of money.

3, We have no problem with helping you guys getting some cheap banners (we
actually have none of our own), we have a close relationship with a bunch
of lads who make banners and we have to get ourselves some anyway so we
can sort that out yeah.

4, See below for both the hoodies and tac vests.

We will pay for half the cost on a full load out for the whole society
(this way you will all be uniformed and look great, this will help with
your ideas of making your society look more professional). The prices of
which are laid out below:

Trousers = €40, we will pay €20 per unit (these are seriously good quality
gear and none of you would have to buy anything else afterwards).

T-shirt = €12.70, We will pay €6.

Shirts = €40, we will pay €20 per unit also and again this is very high
quality gear.

Tactical vests = €53, we will pay €26.50 per unit.

Total cost on a full load out including trousers, t-shirt, shirt and tac
vest will cost both you and us €66.50.

They also provide hats and belts:

Special forces hats: €10
Boonie: €11.50
Captian's cap: €10


Special forces belt: € 17.60

We are willing to pay half for the hats and belts also.

If you want we are willing to pay half for a full load out in both your
indoor and outdoor camos (As you know it is sort of an obligation to have
two loadouts).

So we are willing to pay € 133.00 per member of DCU, I hope you avail of
this massive offer because if we just bite the bullet and get it over with
now then we can get the large costs out of the way early in the year and
move on to other things.

Sorry it took us so long to get back to you but we were looking for the
best quallity gear we could find (if we are going to sponsor someone we
want them looking good).

I don't think there is much more we can do for you at this stage but in
the future we have other ideas and sure we will talk about them next year.

Can you do for us?

Provide us with a web designer to help us with our website and update it
where necessary.

DCU airsoft society to make some thier members available to help Airsoft
Reloaded with events or leafleting campaigns.

Hope this suits.

> Hey!
> That's no problem, I just had a search through my e-mails and I've a copy
> of
> it that Shane sent me so I'll just paste it in down below.
> Thanks,
> David.
> Hey guys,
> The DCU Airsoft committee had that 5 hour meeting yesterday and set out a
> full plan for the next college year, and we set out what we can offer you
> guys as a sponsor and what we would like in return.
> What we are looking for:
> Below is a bullet-point list of what it is we would like to see from your
> company as a sponsor. As we have discussed, cash sponsorship is
> realistically of no-direct use to us and is a needless burden upon
> yourselves. Therefore, the list below represents a varied degree of
> assistance and offers:
>    - As well as our face masks, we plan to purchase 20 vests. We would
>    appreciate a split in the cost of these with yourselves. Obviously, we
>    cannot lay down the specifics of costs until we have started shopping
> around
>    for them, but this is definately something important to us.These vests
> will
>    hopefully have both our logo and your logo embroided. (*We will also be
>    asking for the vests themselves in our grant application, although
> these may
>    not be granted.)
>    - Provision of prizes for our raffles. In our calender attached we've
>    allowed for 2 tables quizes and 2 raffles throughout the entire year.
> We
>    will provide prizes for these ourselves, but would expect top prizes
> from
>    yourselves.
>    - We are planning a large charity event, called 4 Mountains 4 Days, in
>    which a small number of our members will be travelling across Ireland
> to
>    climb 4 mountains (Djouce, Carrantouhile, Crough Patrick and Errigal)
> in 4
>    days, outlined in the calender attached. For this we would appreciate a
>    money jar in your venues to raise money, as well as you informing your
>    customers of it in hope of raising more money. Also, if you guys do get
> a
>    mini-van, provision of transport would be amazing. We intend to
> publicise
>    this nationally through both the airsoft community and national media,
> we
>    hope that this event can provide much needed good publicity for the
> airsoft
>    community. Also, if your three owners wanted to tag along for the event
> for
>    your own good name, thats cool with us.
>    - Airsoft Reloaded staff to attend some of our on campus events such as
>    Demonstration Day. Last year, D-Day was attended by Airsoft Tactical
>    Supplies and Fingal Airsoft who gave talks on general safety, their
> sites,
>    services as well as distributed flyers and business cards. This is
> something
>    we would like to see your company do for our own credibility and a
> boost in
>    awareness of Airsoft Reloaded.
>    - We may need use of any portable shooting range that you guys make for
>    some of our big events on campus, in the calender attached we have set
> 3
>    dates when this would be needed by us. Clubs and Societies day for
> sign-ups
>    as well as Rag Week for charity shoots.
>    - Name one of your new warehouses after our society because we think it
>    could help promote us pretty well, better than most other forms of
>    off-campus promotion. We would also like to provide a flag and a banner
> for
>    any building on your site (which we will pay for.)
>    - Subsidise any clothing/banners that we put your logo on, e.g. If we
> can
>    get our banners made off the company you will be dealing with at a
> reduced
>    price or with a subsidy from your company. Likewise, we would
> appreciate a
>    subsidy of maybe €10 per hoodie we produce next year. Both of these
> will
>    visibly carry your logo.
>    - Provide your site and rentals free for a  charity shoot at christmas
>    and possibly another charity shoot in spring. As you can see on our
>    calender, we have allowed for 4 Warehouse trips outside of our
> regulars, 2
>    for Exams, 1 with Games Society and another at the start of the year.
>    Hopefully, these can make up for affording a free shoot for charity.
>    - Put a banner (provided by us) in both the warehouse and one of the
>    buildings on your new site (as listed above).
>    - We would like if one of you guys took some video footage and pictures
>    of some of our trips on your sites, to place on our website.
>    - Throw our banner up on your website.
>    - Generally help us out with anything you think you can, e.g your
> recent
>    help with our facemasks.
> We can offer you:
> As we've already talked about, there is a lot that we are willing to do to
> help you out whenever we can. If there is anything you can think of that
> isn't listed below please talk to us about it, otherwise here is a list of
> what we can give:
>    - Your logo on every poster we do (one a week for most of the year as
>    well as special events, to be placed all over DCU campus, in every
> building
>    and across Residents)
>    - Your logo on our hoodies (with the subsidy mentioned above.)
>    - Your logo on our website as our official sponsors, embedded on the
>    lefthand side of every page in clear view.
>    - A page on our website with information about you guys, including
>    directions, opening times etc as well as any information you guys would
> like
>    to include. We would also use this to post about the help you guys have
>    given, etc.
>    - Your logo on a possible pamphlet that we have planned for our Clubs
> and
>    Socs day & Orientation week.
>    - A thread on our forums to inform people of your events, as you know
> our
>    forums have over 200 members (more than our society!)
>    - Post your upcoming events on our website homepage, this will be done
>    through a private thread in the forums which you can control that will
>    automatically post what you write onto our homepage.
>    - Promote the I.A.A and offer sign up forms at our events
>    - Assist you in contacting and dealing with other DCU societies, e.g
>    poker or games society.
>    - Print your posters and publications for you if we can do it cheaper
>    (have already e-mailed you the prices of our Campus Print company)
>    - Make it known when you help our events. charity shoots will obviously
>    boost your image.
>    - Provide access to our large membership through information on our
>    society e-mail list (moderated by us, of course.)
> As already mentioned, if there's anything that you think we can help you
> with that isn't above, let us know and we will do our best.
> That's it from us for now. If you guys want to take a while to go through
> this stuff and work out if it's viable for your company, you can let us
> know
> your thoughts in a few days by email.
> Regards,
> DCU Airsoft