Just a finaly mail to remind everyone that the AGM is being held
tomorrow at 7pm upstairs in the Hub/Student Center, in the Seminar Room.
See you all there!
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[===={ Anime & Manga }====]
[] Register at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams
This is a last reminder to everyone that the AMS AGM is being
held THIS thursday - the 30th, in the Seminar Room of the Hub.
We need as many people as possible to attend and run if possible -
if your interested in helping out the society we CAN use the help :)
After the AGM there will be showing of Gun Smith Cats : Bullet Proof.
Drop onto the forum if you've a chance and try and post ^_^;;
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[===={ Anime & Manga }====]
[] Register at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams
Right first things first - the AGM!
Since we were only made an offical society the last week of
exams we had no chance to hold an AGM before the semester ended.
As such it was postponed to Thursday June 30th - in 3 weeks!
If you are interested in a position email ams(a)Redbrick.dcu.ie
with your name and position your interested in. The positions
currently up are :-
-> Chairperson
-> Secetary
-> Treasurer
-> Public Relations Officer
-> Librarian
-> Film Officer
To be eligable for any of these positions you must be within the
rules outlined in the constitution.
The constitution is attached to this mail and it is also avaible online
at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams/about/constitution.php
We also have several copies in our locker if people wish to read them at
one of our meetings.
The rules for voting are similurly attached and are avaible again off the
site at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams/about/voting.php and are in the
If you wish to make any changes to the constitution you must email the
committee at least 5 working days prior to the meeting, as laid out in the
constitution. As such the deadline is Thursday 23rd of June.
This cmt will be very much so involved with EirtaKon - which is happeing in
November. I certainly hope enough people apply :)
Second point of the post - this weeks showings!
Thursday 9th of June
7pm : Trinity Blood Episodes 1 - 4
9pm : Ninku Episodes 1 - 2
Come onto the forums and recommend stuff that you want to watch and we will
organise it!
Descriptions provided by Anime News Network
Trinity Blood
The three important groups, the Empire, the Vatican and the Order of the Rozen Kreuz, are always in conflict. The Empire is on a country called Methuselah and the race is called Vampire. There is conflict with the Vatican for the difference of races. The protagonist is a priest called Peter Abel Nightroad, who travels through the countries as a representative for the Department of Foreign Affairs in Vatican. However, he also belongs to a secret agency of the Vatican known as "Ax", a Special Operation Group controlled by the Cardinal Catherina Sforza, secretary of the Deparment of Foreing Affairs. His encounter with a young girl called Esther will determine the struggle and survival between the human race and the vampires.
In the war, a group of warriors called Ninku fought against the Imperial Army and almost anihilated it. But in the end, the Ninku lost and got shattered. After the war, the imperial army established themselves as the defender of the people with the help of propaganda. They also managed to get the people to think the Ninku were the villains and had started the war. Fusuke looks like a child but he is the former captain of the first Ninku division. His mother was taken during the war and after the Ninku were defeated, he goes on a journey to find her. On his journey he meets Aicho and Touji, both also former Ninku captains, and together they fight against the imperial army that tries to kill the last remaining Ninkus.
The ninku is a clan of extinct ninjas who command esoteric and powerful techniques, hence a lot of other groups are constantly trying to steal their techniques to take over the country. Their primary target is Fusuke, a weird looking kid but one of the most powerful Ninku ninja. Fusuke, together with other Ninku ninja with different specialties must fight those threat that caused the downfall of the Ninku clan.
Hope to see you all there!
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[===={ Anime & Manga }====]
[] Register at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams