Ok, The final "official" showing of the year is this Wednesday. If I find
time over my exam study period I'll probably call another showing or two.
I'll give you notice about that anyway.
There is also the possibility of having showings over the summer, I'll be
looking into that over the summer and I'll let you all know what the story
Next year we're going to be back and bigger than ever :D I'll have the new
website up and live in mid-end July and come September we'll be organising
many more events next year.
Thanks for all your support and shit over the year :D and I hope to see you
all back in September/November,
Hey everyone,
Just a quick reminder to you all about this evenings Annual General Meeting.
It takes place tonight at 7 in the Seminar room, just before showings start.
I'd like to ask that as many people as possible turn up for it.
If we don't get a sizeable chunk of the mumbership in attendance we won't be
able to elect a new committee, and will have to hold another meeting next
See you all then,
Yeah no poll again this week, but due to a very low attendance last week,
Death Note - The last word and Gunsmith cats will be shown this week
instead. And remember the AGM takes place beforehand, so if anyone's
interested in a position come along :D
See you all then,
Ok, we really need to have some sort of night out at some stage. So there
will be a group of us going out to yamamori in two weeks time, maybe instead
of the weekly showing, maybe at the weekend depending on circumstances.
Could anyone who is interested in doing this please email me at
dahtac(a)eirtaku.com before next thursday 12th April. It will be good.
Hey everyone,
The end of the year is approaching, and as usual, AMS will be having our AGM
to elect a new committee to run the society next year.
The AGM is being held on Thursday the 12th, in the Seminar Room, and the
following positions are open for anyone who wants to get more involved in
the society.
Film Officer
*EirtaKon Committee*
EirtaKon Chair
Master Chief Librarian
Sub Librarians
Anyone who is a member of the society and a student in DCU may run for any
of the above positions, and every member in the society has a say on who
will get them.
I hope to see everyone there to decide on the new committee.
You're probably all wondering why there hasn't been a suggestion thread this
week. Well last week Gunsmith Cats and Death Note were tied for second so
that is what we shall be showing this week.
There should be a link to the ANN encyclopedia on last weeks thread which is
still pinned :D
See you all on thursday!!!