lol jk life is too cruel
Hi Guys,
Hopefully this actually sends D: Sorry if you get it twice. I'll try a few different routes.
Welcome to week 5 and we've got a Tuesday event!
Tuesday Night - Chinese Buffet from 6
We're meeting in the street at 6 to go to Jimmy jongs in town. It's 13.90 per person for buffet meal. (the bus is 2.05 with leap card). If you want to go it'd be cool if you could say so on
the Facebook page but it's cool if you can't.
Thursday Night - C124
We'll be watching Satoshi Kon's
Paprika (who of course also made Tokyo Godfathers) and
the Magical Boys anime ⊹⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚⊹Rachael Kavanagh
AMS Secretary 2014-15