--Anime Screenings--
Screenings will be 6pm - 10pm (18:00 - 22:00) this Thursday in C115.
This week for food we will be having that incredibly high scale classy meal Pizza. Also as probably become apparent we will also be having Fizzy drinks and sweets at the beginning. 

Below is an actual picture 100% genuine of the average AMS event. What a remarkably well dressed, famous and charismatic bunch these anime fans are. *cough*  
Inline images 2
Disclaimer: May not actually be an accurate depiction of the average AMS Screening.

Inline images 1

From left to right:
1) Samurai Champloo
2) Buso Renkin
3) Space Dandy

--Karaoke & Food--
This week we are going for Food and Karaoke on Tuesday 11th of March.
The plan is to head to Jimmy Chungs for food at 7pm! And then go to Ukiyo bar for Karaoke at around 8:30 pm.

Karaoke is capped at 20 people so if you have a deep-seated urge to sing out your favourite song and force everyone in the room to listen to you for the entirety of the song while intoxicated, this is your chance to shine!

The Facebook Event page can be found HERE!
If you intend to go please join and select going.

Thanks and regards,

Peter Hand
DCU Anime And Manga Society Secretary 2013 - 2014