--Animation Screenings--
After abandoning us for a week Anime Screenings are back!  I know, I know don't cry. Dry your tears you're embarrassing yourself. Clean yourself up you're a mess. It's not back cause it likes you or anything. B-baka.

Screenings will be 6pm - 10pm (18:00 - 22:00) this Thursday in C115.
To welcome back our prodigal anime screening we shall slaughter a fattened pizza and have it to eat.

What gifts has it brought us let us look.
Inline images 1

From left to right they are:
1) Ookiku Furibatte
2) Kyousougiga
3) Dangan Ronpa

I'm only reminding you cause I have to, it's not that I like you or anything and it's a  reminder that AMS want's you. That's right, you,to run for a position for next year's committee. It visited me in a dream and asked me itself to write this personalised email for you, -insert name of email receiver here- so you will run for -position you are must interested in running for here-.

Bet you feel special now, w-well you're not!
As a reminder the positions available to run for and poor descriptions of them are:

Chairperson: Do you love being the big man, the top dog, the head honcho, then this is the position for you especially if you want to be in charge of nerds.

Secretary: Do you dream of being the person who writes emails to tell people what japanese cartoon they can watch this week at a building for education, and to take minutes of meetings of the people who pick these cartoons, do you aspire to be like this loser, well that's pretty sad. But this is the job for you.

Treasurer: Is all you want in life is being in charge of money you can't spend and feeling stressed? Don't you want to be even more stressed with the added money of a convention to be in charge of as well. Don't you want to be in charge of grant apps and really the most important position on the society? Well you brave soul, this is the position for you.

Public Relations Officer: Do you love relationships? And do you love having relationships with the public, well listen close ya big slut this position is made for you. You'll also be in charge of making radical posters that when you see all you can think is "cowabunga i gotta go watch me some Anime with strangers".

Librarian: Do you find yourself often sitting amongst others wearing glasses and your hair tied up. When suddenly when you whip the glasses off and let your hair down you become the hottest person in the room? Get some books and you may just be the librarian. We got manga they're like books. They got paper and words.

Events Officer: When you're sitting on your rocking chair watching the sunset do you sigh wistfully, "boy howdy, I sure wish DCU's Anime & Manga Society would have more events so that I could socialise with all my favourite guys and gals, yeehaw".  Well why don't you run for this position and organise them yourself you goddamn lazy cowboy.

Showings Officer: What's that, nobody will watch your favourite anime? Well it's probably cause they think it's just not that good. Well why don't you confirm their suspicions and run for showings officer and then you get to decide what we watch. You also have get the anime and screen them.

Ordinary Member: Normal Type. Vanilla flavoured. 

If you are interested in running for any of these positions so you can be more involved with the society,the AGM is next week, so nominate yourself by emailing us for the position you are interested in.

--London Trip--
If you are one of the 15 who got picked for the London Trip, this is the week you have to pay. This Thursday we are collecting money. For the 15 from DCU it is 91 euro, for anyone who wants to go from outside DCU it is 215 euro!

You also must bring a valid passport.

The hotel in London you will be staying in is the Journeys King's Cross

A reminder the 15 (you only got these spots by chance it's not like I like you guys or anythings i-idiots) who got their place are:
Edward Moriarty
Craig Duff
Liam Lawlor
Aisling Hurley
Aislinn MacErlane
Alexander Garvey
Robert Garvey
Niamh Ni Obain
Shane Cunningham
Nicole Jinks
John Kirwan
Conor Parks
Kilian Sullivan
Christie McBride
Chris Jeffery

Why would I thank you for reading this, it's not like I wr-wrote it for you or anything st-stupid.

Peter Hand
DCU Anime And Manga Society Secretary 2013 - 2014
Professional Tsundere