Hi all.
It's that time of year again. AGM time is upon us. All positions are open so if you want a place on the committee next year come along. Positions are Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Film Officer, Chief Librarian, Events Officer (New this year), Fresher Rep and PRO.
Anyone with an interest in these positions should email me @ dahatc@gmail.com before next tuesday.

In other news I should know about the funding for London Expo over the 24th and 25th of May. The price you will roughly pay for the weekend away, Friday night - Monday morning is roughly 70 euro, but it could be less or maybe a bit more. I'll have confirmation by Monday at latest. Anyone interested should contact me at dahtac@gmail.com. We have a max of 15 places available for subsidies so decide soon. I will also need cash within the next weeks as well.

Also tomorrow night, we are holding a cosplay workshop upstairs in the Hub, DCU from 7-10:00. Tips on sewing, making costumes etc... will be given, we'll have music and anime showings as well.

That's all for now,
Good luck with the study,
Keith O'Sullivan (Dahtac)