Hi all,

As there wasn't as many tickets as usual for the Clubs and Socs Ball this year, Surf'n'Sail are hosting the
 "Clubs and Societies Pre Ball"
for those members in Clubs and Socs who were unable to get tickets.

The Clubs and Socs Pre Ball will be held Tuesday 17th November in newly remodeled Purty Kitchen (soon to be relaunched as the marquee however we will be trying it out before that happens).
With a bus leaving from DCU to Purty Kitchen all included in the ticket price.....Which is an amazing 7 euro!
This price not only includes your bus from DCU into Purty Kitchen but also your entrance into the club for the night, a legendary band   And PK have put on some amazing drinks promotions for the night to ensure everyone has fun; with pints and shots just ¤2, cocktails ¤3.50, ¤5 for double spirit and a splash and 3 jagerbombs for just ¤9!  

Ticket will be sold this Thursday and Friday form  1:00-2:00  so watch this space and in the mean time please let all your members who were disappointed in missing out on tickets or who couldn't afford it know in your reading week mails that this event is being organised for them!!!

Check out the facebook page:
Clubs and Socs Pre-ball event Facebook

Thanks a mil


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