Hey all,

Sorry for the late mail this week, what with Redbrick being down and Reading week going on I've been a bit disorganized! Not to fear though, showings are still going ahead as per usual this Thursday, in C165 which is looking to become our regular room for this year so hope you guys like it! 

We'll be watching the end of Last week's Lupin movie for those who were there, as well as possibly watching a second one due to a new tradition that we came up with recently to watch a new Lupin film on the first Thursday of every month! (And since this week is the first thursday of the month why not get started right away?!) Other than double Lupin showings, we are open for suggestions! (though you'll have to wait till redbrick is back up) Also feel free to bring in anything you want to watch on the night and hit us with it until we show it, with redbrick out of action that's probably the best way to get your suggestions heard this week!:)

Hope you're all enjoying your reading week, sorry if you don't get one! :(

See you all soon,

Your Film Officer,

Ceili Braidwood.

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  [===={  Anime & Manga   }====]

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