DCU Anime and manga Society

hello AMS goers.
welcome back after your christmas holidays and exams, heres hoping all went well :)

first order or business this semester:

ANIME CO-ORDINATOR POSITION: the eirtakon committee needs
you, or you, or you, to fill the position of anime co-ordinator for next year’s
con. .

This position needs dedication and hard work. The Co-ordinator will be expected to contact various
companies for licensing rights and anime to show at the convention and to attend our meetings.

If anyone’s interested then then e-mail a member of the committee or tell any of us that
your interested in the position


Our showings are on every thursday from 6 in DCU, screening room has been CG01 but this may change, we'll keep you posted. :)
any and all suggestions are welcome on our forum (www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams)

thats all for this week, we hope to have more events during this semester and hope you all join in on the Otaku fun and games

Your Chairman
Cillian Donlon

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