Hey all,

Sorry again for another late mail, gotta get more organised! This week we will be watching one of the less well known Ghibli films, "My Neighbours The Yamadas", a slice of life type anime as far as I know! after that we will also be watching either Bakemonogatari or Katanagatari, depending on which is preferred!  For more information on those, or to make suggestions for next weeks anime, you can check out the forums here: 


We'll be meeting at the usual time of 6 till 10 in C165. 

Also, don't forget, the AGM will be in week 10 so anyone wanting to run for a position can mail us at: ams@redbrick.dcu.ie 
If you prefer you can leave us a post in the forums just to let us know who you are and what you want to run for. All details are in the previous mail anyway. :)

That's all for now folks,

See you then,

Your Film Officer,
Céilí Braidwood.