Hey all,

Hope everyone is dressed up and ready for spookfest this week, if you're
not going to the halloween ball, or trick or treating with your mates on
Sunday, no worries, you have yet another chance this Thursday to dress
as bizarre as you like, whether you feel like cosplaying or being a
ghost for a day, I dunno what you're into but this week's showing is
halloween costume essential so start preparing now or just reuse your
costume from tuesday, whichever suits you. If you don't bother though,
we'll probably still let you in anyway....you may not get any treats
though!:P Seriously, best dressed gets a prize so put some effort in,
otherwise the committee will just keep all the sweets for ourselves!

For the showings we'll be taking a break with usual ams halloween
tradition by not showing any Hellsing or Cowboy Bebop movie, (sorry
folks, it's time for something different!) instead we'll be watching the
'slightly racy', "Ghost Talker Daydream", about a dominatrix who can see
ghosts, tits are displayed right from the beginning of this show so if
you're of a delicate nature be warned! Along with that we'll be seeing
"Le Portraitte de Petite Cossette" about a young artist who comes an old
wine glass that has been possessed by a creepy young lady. Last but not
least we'll be watching the wonderful Vampire Hunter D, an anime about
real vampires who don't sparkle very much....:P

If you do turn up we should be in CG12 this week, failing which there
will be signs posted about the place leading you to our real location!

In other news, remember, if you're interested in getting involved in
Eirtakon, whether as a committee member or as the Con Director please
mail us at 


or post on the Forum at 


all students who are members are eligible.
just post any qualifications you have and maybe previous experiences to
help us decide. 

That's all for this week (hopefully) see you thursday!

Your Film Officer,
        /                \
  [===={  Anime & Manga   }====]

[] Register at http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams