Hi all,

I'd just like to inform you all of AMS's upcoming EGM.

This will take place on Thusday the 19th of October.

There are two committee positions available at the meeting. The first of which anyone can run for, the second of which is only available to first years.

Film Officer:

This officer will be in charge of, among other things, organising the showings that will take place on a weekly basis. Booking the projector, aquiring the anime, etc.
He will also be charged with the task of conducting the showings.

First Year Liason:

This position is available only to first years.
This person will be charged with encouraging first years to take a greater part in the society. They will be the first years representitive on the committee.

I would like to encourage all members to come along and have their say in the runnings of the Society and their opinions heard.

Hope to see you there,


I laugh in the face of 1000 suns!