Hey guys, 

so there's only three weeks left till college is out! Hope everyone's not too panicked over projects and exams, to help you relax, we have our usual weekly slice of anime this week but we also need to get the AGM out of the way so everyone try to get there on time this week so you don't miss out on all the voting and stuff!

If anyone is interested in going for one of the committee positions for next year but hasn't told us yet, no worries, you can still mail us about it at ams@redbrick.dcu.ie or, if you're extremely lazy, you can just wait till the day and surprise us all, either way, the AGM will be starting at 6 and anime will be put on as soon as the AGM is over so don't be late!

And just a reminder, the following committee positions will be contested in the election;
Details on the roles and responsibilities of these positions can be found in the constitution of the Anime and Manga Society located on our website.

Now, as for the animes, this week  we will be watching a number of shows from the suggestion list, they will include, PlanetES, Detroit Metal City, and Trigun! For more information on all of those you can check out the summary's and previews at the forums here: http://eirtakon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1051 
And if you want to make suggestions for other anime we should watch just leave a comment and I'll add it to the list. :)

That's all for now,

you Film Officer,
Céilí Braidwood.