Hey everyone,

As most of you know, we had another extremely successful Eirtakon this year.
Thanks to all who helped on committee, volunteering or even attending.

We a want you to help us on our committee for next year. Even if you dont know what you want to do on the committee, put your name down and we can find a place for you.

The main areas are:

Director: making sure everyone is doing what they should be doing and arranging meetings. there are assistant directors under them aswell.
PRO: getting details of the con out across various media and dealing with the general public via emails and our forums.


Volunteer: getting people to help on the weekend and organising them. must have scheduling skills
Games: setting up tournaments and getting companies to sponsor us
Panels: arranging panels in appropriate subjects for the weekend
Cosplay: all the cosplay events that happen during the weekend,
Anime: the screening scheduels and chooing the anime to show


Trade: getting traders over to sell merch at the con.
Guest: find a suitable guest for the con and then sorting out everything from payments to hotels for the guest.
Artist: sorting out the artist alley and filling it with talented people

There are more jobs available, and assistants for main person. 
I hope you will consider the idea. It looks great on a cv too.

Thank you all
Your Chairman