Hi all,

a few things for this weeks exciting instalment of AMS

                           in celebration we are giving ten weekend passes out to the society. so come along thursday and put your name down for it. you have nothing to lose.
                           The pass will be given to you and you alone.

I am hoping to film/interview some of the Eirtakon attendees to get an insight into this particular subculture in an Irish context. This is intended to be my submission for a short documentary assignment I have. I am a fan of anime and Japanese culture myself and I thought this would be an interesting event to cover.

I'll be filming various events at the convention across the whole weekend. I was hoping to also interview/film the same group of people over the course of the 3 days and catch up with them at regular intervals. The idea is to put a human face on the whole thing as opposed to just showing general coverage of the event.

I would greatly appreciate it if you can do anything for me regarding this. I don't want this to be a hassle for anyone, so I'm sure we can work out free times to film that suits anyone involved.

he wants to film a few people during the weekend to get an idea of the anime crowd in Ireland. it's only a few interviews during the weekend.

For more updates join us on Facebook. we update there too XD

See you space cowboy(girl)