Hey everyone,
As the exam timetables are up we are now opening signups for the trip to the MCM expo in London.
There are 20 subsidised places available to student members of the society.

The price as it stands now is going to be around 90 euro for subsidised for the weekend.
For non-subsidised people the price is around 215 euro for the weekend.

We will be departing early on Friday May 24th
We will be returning home on Monday May 27th

If you are interested please send an email to ams@redbrick.dcu.ie as soon as possible registering your interest as places are limited.
You must have a valid and in date passport.
You must be a current student and a member of the society to avail of the lower price.

for more information on the expo: http://www.mcmcomiccon.com/london/

The price may be subject to change due to price fluctuations on flights.