Hi all,
This week is Rag week and in that spirit we are holding a charity Murder Mystery.
This will be held from 7-10 in C124
The event will have a charge of 2 euro a person and is open to everyone.
All the money collected will go to one of the sponsored charities.

***Murder Mystery Details***
The format of the event is team based groups of 2-6 people will be formed, each group counts as a single detective.
The Detectives will be given 5-10 minutes to question each of the suspects to gather clues and evidence.
Each Group will also be taken to a separate room where the crime-scene will be describes and where they may "search".

To Win: A group must state WHO committed the murder, WHY they did it and HOW they went about it.

After each group has been to each suspect and the room they will have a short time to deliberate and come up with a SINGLE GROUP DECISION.

Other details:

This event is open to all, feel free to form teams with your friends even if they are not AMS members.
There is no prize as this is all just for a bit of fun and charity.
This is our first time running and event of this style so some technical difficulties may occur please bare that in mind.

Would you like to be one of the suspects for the murder?
There is a position open for 1-2 people to be involved as suspects.
To apply just show up in C124, the first two people will be chosen and briefed on what they have to do.*

*You cannot be on a team or help out teams if you wish to be a suspect.

2012-2013 Eirtakon Co-Director
2012-2013 AMS Chairperson
2012-2013 Game Soc Extraordinary member