Hi everyone, I have received an email from the Japanese embassy inviting those who are interested in applying to the JET programme next year to a reception being held for the opening of an exhibition in the city (details below). This only applies to current final year students. If anyone is interested in coming please get back to me by Monday because I have to RSVP the number of places.
Keith O'Sullivan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: cultural <cultural@embjp.ie>
Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 1:11 PM
Subject: Opening reception for JET photograph exhibition
To: dahatc@gmail.com

Dear Keith,

I hope you're well. 

I'm contacting you on behalf of Mr. Kobayashi to invite you to the opening reception for the exhibition of photographs by ex-JETs in Temple Bar from 17.00 to 18.30 on Saturday 29 March which we sent you some information about recently.  As you mentioned that you're interested in applying for the JET Programme, we thought it might be a good opportunity for you to meet ex-JETs and hear about their experiences directly from them. 

If you'd like to come, we'd appreciate it if you could RSVP to the JET Coordinator Phil Voon by 25 March, so that we can have an idea of the number of guests to expect on the night.  His phone number is 01 202 8306 or you can e-mail him at jet@embjp.ie.

The invitation is also extended to any members of the DCU Anime and Manga Society who are thinking of applying to next year's JET Programme, so would you mind forwarding the invitation below to anyone you think might like to attend (stressing the RSVP deadline if possible!).

Many thanks, Keith, and we hope to see you at the reception on 29 March.

Kind regards,

Jenny O'Connor

Culture/Press Affairs Division

Embassy of Japan

Tel: 01 - 202 8305

E-mail: cultural@embjp.ie 

Website: www.ie.emb-japan.go.jp


The Embassy of Japan and Irish JET Alumni Association would like to invite members of the Dublin City University Anime and Manga Society with an interest in applying for the JET Programme to the opening reception of:


"A Medley of Japanese Memories" - Photography Exhibition


Date: Saturday, 29 March 2008, 17.00 to 18.30

Venue: Filmbase Gallery, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2


At the reception, you will have an opportunity to meet former Irish participants in the JET Programme and hear about their experiences, as well as to see the photographs recording the time they spent living and working in Japan.


R.S.V.P. by 25 March to:

Phil Voon, JET Desk (01) 202 8306 / jet@embjp.ie



The JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme is a cultural exchange programme run by the Japanese Government, which places Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) in schools around Japan. The JET Programme receives more than 5,000 participants from 54 countries every year, and so far, more than 800 young Irish people have participated in the JET Programme since 1988.


Participating in the exhibition are more than 25 Irish JETs who once lived or are currently living in various regions in Japan. The style of their photographs varies from amateur snapshots to carefully constructed artistic imagery, from recreational reportage to professional interpretations through post productive work. As a collection they demonstrate that Japan is a constantly shifting confluence of tradition, modernity and extraordinary energy.


Enquiries: JET Desk, Embassy of Japan, 01-202 8306 or jet@embjp.ie