Hi everyone.
I think we would all agree that it is time to put an end to the spamming of the mailing list (this mail being the last to do so).

While Keely clearly stated why she was using the announce-ams list to get in touch with people, and she also appologised for it, in general people should not use it other than cmt letting people know what the story is with AMS. As I am sure most of us would agree, Keely's exception is quite in order and one e-mail would hardly count as spamming anyone's inbox.

As for the matter of spelling, it is up to each and everyone to spell as we like, although I would agree that some ways of communicating might annoy people more than using proper English.

If you (whoever you guys are) would like to further discuss misuse of the announce-ams mailing list, spelling or other matters it would be much better to do so on the AMS forums, and maybe in a slightly calmer manner.

Now while I'm still at it, I wish you all a good AMS year as due to my ERASMUS year I will not be attending myself.

Take care and I will see you all at Eirtakon.

Former secretary of AMS

On 25/09/2007, announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie < announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie> wrote:
wat r u talkin' about....its not that im that buzy, its how i choose to comunicate
u abreviate 2, evry1 does...so wats the diference when i do it....ah its
the only thing u can say coz u kno ur in the wrong
u kno wat i mean u r in the wrong
ur mr aggro. (abreviation)u cudnt just admit it and apologise
its also that u dont need to apologise to me...its fine
just dont do it in future coz
it just causes un-necesary problems 4 others by filling their email accnts
and genuine emails bounce bak

>-- Original Message --
>Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 17:31:39 +0100
>To: ams@redbrick.dcu.ie, announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie
>Subject: Re: [Announce-AMS] Guest Lecture with the Japanese Embassy
>From: announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie
>Reply-To: ams@redbrick.dcu.ie, announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie
>On Mon, 24 Sep 2007 13:26:15 +0100, <announce-ams@lists.redbrick.dcu.ie>
>> what the fuk r u doing dont use the lists to mail people
>> u just wasted my time reading ur email that has nothing do do with me
>Looks like Mr. Aggro is so busy he doesn't even bother to complete his

>words: "fuk r u" -> "fuck are you".
>Now THAT's busy. Of course, not too busy to write his pointless rant
>email, but anyway. Good man.
>Announce-AMS mailing list

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