--Anime Screenings--
Due to having our AGM this week we are only going to be screening one anime, but it's a film.

Screenings will be 6pm - 10pm (18:00 - 22:00) this Thursday in C115.
Before Pizza steps down from committee and a new food run's for the position of Pizza, we will celebrate Pizza's hard work this year by eating it. 

The film we are watching with our AGM is:

Inline images 1

This is a very enjoyable and excellent movie, so I advise you to not only come for your passion of the electoral process and food but also for this wonderful movie.

You can see from the image what the anime is but for our more illiterate members, it's Wolf Children, and I applaud you for sticking with us so long despite the anime all having subtitles.

Here it is, it's been a fierce few weeks of campaigning, I think I over heard someone they were actually running for a position. Damn they are pulling out all the stops this year..

The AGM starts at 6pm. This Thursday in C115.

Just a reminder that if you are interesting in running for committee, the positions you can run for are:
Chairperson, Secretary , Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Librarian, Events Officer, Showings Officer ,Ordinary Member.

"Wait" I hear you cry, "If a new committee is being elected, does that mean I won't be able to enjoy sweet emails from you on a weekly basis?!"

Yes that's exactly what it means. The thought leaves you exasperated and you worry for the future of anime emails. A tear rolls down your cheek.

Damn, pull it together dude.

Thanks & Goodbye,

Peter Hand
DCU Anime And Manga Society Secretary 2013 - 2014
See You Space Secretary