We don't have time for jokes anymore. This time it's for serious.

--Western Animation Screenings--
There will be no regular anime screenings this week, but you are free to go on Thursday to the same room and put on whatever you want.

Instead we have Western animation screenings on Tuesday from 6pm to 9pm.

The cartoons we'll be watching are, Archer, Invader Zim and Avatar the last Airbender as decided by you on the Facebook poll.

There will be sweets there. And you will enjoy them. Serious.

--London Trip--
Because of there being no AMS this week, money for the trip won't be due until NEXT WEEK.

After email reservations the first 15 people to email in were.
Edward Moriarty
Craig Duff
Liam Lawlor
Aisling Hurley
Aislinn MacErlane
Alexander Garvey
Robert Garvey
Niamh Ni Obain
Shane Cunningham
Nicole Jinks
John Kirwan
Conor Parks
Kilian Sullivan
Christie McBride
Chris Jeffery

Congratulations to those 15. If any of those on the list can't go, email as soon as possible to open up room for other people.

Non Dcu members can still apply to go as they do not effect the cap. They have until the 3rd of April to apply.

Reminder that on the 3rd of April you must bring the money and a valid passport.

We will be having our AGM on week 9.
All the positions on committee will be available to run for. That means you, that's right YOU, person reading this email. you are able to run for any of the positions on committee.

The positions available and a brief description of what they entail are:

Chairperson: Head of the society, makes sure everyone does their job and chairs the meetings. Also has heavy involvement with Eirtakon.
Secretary: You will chair meetings when Chairperson is not present. You will also be sending emails and keeping minutes in meetings.
Treasurer: Not only will you be Treasurer for AMS, you'll also be treasurer for Eirtakon!
Showings Officer: You will be in charge of the screenings every week. It will be your job to download the anime and screen it.How you do the screenings is however up to you.
Public Relations Officer: You will be in charge of making posters and communicating with other societies.
Librarian: You're in charge of our collection of manga!
Tips and Events Officer: It's your job to organise events and trips for the society.
Ordinary Member: Normal Committee member.

Email, with the name of the position you are interested in if you wish to run. 

Thanks and regards,

Peter Hand
DCU Anime And Manga Society Secretary 2013 - 2014
No Joker.