Hey guys,

It's week 2 already, so as well as the weekly showing we've got Club and Socs day on Wednesday and Tuesday. and we have a special deal this year on Pre-reg Eirtakon tickets for anyone signing up on either day so if you don't have a ticket already the AMS table is the place to get them! You can find us down in the venue in a corner somewhere, easily recognizable by the large amount of anime merchandise and possibly free sweets so I hope to see you all down there!

In more regular news Showings this week will include Sengoku Basara, which didn't get shown last week, some Cowboy Bebop (feel free to go to the forums to suggest which episode you want to watch! http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~ams/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=528 ) Along with those two will be a mystery anime which will be chosen after people have made a few more suggestions for good starter animes (hint hint) remember, it's fresher week so no scaring the newbies (without permission!)


Poll will go up tomorrow or wednesday so get suggesting,

See you thursday in CG01 as usual!

Your film officer,
