Hi folks,

I'm emailing to announce the Anime and Manga Society Annual General Meeting, and tell you about a trip to the MCM Expo in London that we're planning. 

Annual General Meeting

The Anime and Manga Society's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday the 14th of April at 7PM.

At this meeting, every member gets to have their say in how the society will be run next year, and who will be running it. As such it's the most important meeting of the year for us. You'll also get a chance to voice any opinions or complaints you have about the society, and make suggestions for how we can improve. 

The following committee positions will be contested in the election;
Details on the roles and responsibilities of these positions can be found in the constitution of the Anime and Manga Society located on our website.

If anyone is interested in contesting any of these positions, please let us know in advance of the meeting by emailing us and declaring your intent.

The Annual General Meeting is very important and we'd all encourage everyone to attend.

MCM London Expo Comic Con

On the last weekend of May, AMS intends to make our annual trip to London to visit the MCM Expo Comic Con. As usual, this event clashes with the last day of DCU exams so we will be unable to make bookings until the final exam timetable has been announced.

If you are interested in attending MCM Expo with us, please email us stating your provisional intention and the name used on your Passport. Additionally, a limited number of DCU students may be eligible to additional funding from AMS to support travel costs and entry. In the event that funding is available, it will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.

AMS Library

Lastly, if any of you have any loans outstanding from the AMS library, manga or DVDs, we would ask you to please return them before the end of semester. 

I hope to see all of you at our AGM next week.

Seán Hand