Standard For the Conduct of Dublin City University Elections and referenda The purpose of this document is to provide a public standard for the good conduct and provision of AMS Elections Contents: * General * Referenda * Means of Election * Polling officers * Valid ballots * Arbitration * Appendix * Reasoning General : Referenda and Elections of the society should occur at a General Meeting of the Society, in accordance with the consitution. Motions accepted from the floor by the chair shall be conducted as referenda. This document shall in no way override any part of the society consitution. It is proposed that this document be made available to the membership prior to a general meeting, and that intrested parties be given the opportunity to examine it's contents. Notwithstand- ing any objections, this document shall be the final arbiter of process for a general meeting. In all ties, the chair has casting vote. At their discretion, they may toss a coin, or use any other means to cast this vote. Referenda : Referenda may be polled by show of hands , or at the discretion of chair (upon a request from the floor) secret ballot. In the event of a show of hands, the decision of chair as to the stand- ing of the resolution is final. Means of Election: All candidates for election must be deemed electable as per the constitution. All candidates must be nominated, seconded and accept as per the constituion. The chair of the society shall ensure that all reveant details of candidture are made available to the meeting, namely: * Full name of the candidate * Any prior position held in the society Candidates shall be entitled to make a speech on their own behalf, or a third party make one on their behalf. The length of this speech shall be moderated by chair. At the discretion of chair, questions may be fielded from the membership. In the event of a single candidate being presented for election, election shall be my means of a majority yes/no ballot. This may be polled by show of hands, or at the discretion of chair (upon a request from the floor) , by secret ballot. In the event of two or more candidates being presented for elec- tion, election shall be by Proportional Represensation by means of a single transferable vote, as described in Appendix A. Polling Officers: The committee shall make attempts to secure a Returning officer, charged with the correct and fair operation of all elections and referenda. Valid Ballots: In the event of a show of hands, a valid ballot constitutes a raised hand concurrent with the call for a show of hands either for or against the motion. No person may raise their hand more than once. At the discretion of chair, abstentions may be polled. In the event of a secret ballot, a valid ballot must be on an official ballot paper clearly marked for the current poll. If the ballot is for a referendum or a single candidate it must indicate a "yes" or a "no". Otherwise, the ballot must consist of the preferences of the member clearly marked on the ballot. At the discretion of the chair, ballots may involve assigning preferences to options, or vice versa. Candidates must be referenced only by name. No words, distinguished identifying features (other than normal handwriting) or marks of any kind other than the selected prefer- ences or options must be indicated on the ballot. Arbitration: If the chair deems it appropriate a re-examination of the ballots may be requested by any member (in the case of a referendum or motion) or a candidate (in the case of an election). If the request is entertained, the ballots must be re-counted and re- examined for validity. In the case of elections, the unanimous agreement of candidates on the status of a ballot is sufficient to determine it's validity. Failing this, the chair and returning officer shall make their best efforts to determine validity as prescribed by this document. Appendix A: Proportional Representation by means of a single transferable vote The Quota is defined as (total valid poll / number of positions) + 1 A candidate is deemed elected upon reaching quota, or being a remaining candidate following eliminations. Surpluses of quota ae distributed prior to eliminations and in direct proportion to the next valid preferences on all ballots of that candidates ballots. All ballots for an eliminated candidates are directly transfer- able as per the next valid preference. Reasoning: PRSTV has been chosen for several reasons. It is the traditional means for these elections, it is a solid and fair system, it is the national norm. The Reasoning behing identifying words,marks and features exclud- ing a valid poll is a basic tenet of democracy. The secrecy of a secret ballot is integral to it's correct functioning. Suppose that a candidate may threaten (or offer to reward) a member. Without a secret ballot, that is feasible. The person making the threat/offer may require that a mark be present to distinguish the ballot. If they see the mark, they can confirm the vote. If not, they can carry out their threat. The only defense is to exclude all clearly distinguishable ballots.