Hey everyone, 

2nd last week of semester!
This week is the Intersocs Christmas Party.

--Intersocs Christmas Party--

Redbrick will be hosting their annual Christmas party this Thursday, with Circus Arts, Airsoft, GamesSoc and us! It's a Christmas party so be sure to bring lot's of gifts to your local society Secretary! There'll be special drinks and a mysterious man noteworthy for his insistence on gifting rich Christian kids with more gifts than necessary! HaHaHa what a card! If you sit on his lap and make him jolly he'll give you a present- wait that sounds weird...

There will be drink deals and food there too!

Anyway it's this Thursday the 12th! the party starts at 8pm. It's at Matt Weldon's Pub! And I totally didn't steal the following link from the redbrick email! : Google maps link: http://goo.gl/maps/URqYY

We'll meet up a C115 at 6pm like always and watch one anime before going to the party.
The anime we will be screening before is:

Inline images 1

This is a great movie so be sure to come along to watch it. We'll be start showing it at 6:30!

--Week 12 Anime Poll--
There will be a poll this week deciding on which anime to watch on week 12 on our facebook page.

Here : https://www.facebook.com/groups/359769130778408/

The poll will consist of the anime we have already watched. The three that win, we will watch the next 3 episodes of each one! Wow I wonder which anime about people attacking swimming titans will win. Hmmmmm. It's up to you!

Thanks and Regards,

Peter Hand
DCU Anime And Manga Society Secretary 2013 - 2014