Hi everyone!

Well last weekend Eirtakon was a huge success for AMS, drawing in 1,000 people from around Ireland and abroad to enjoy anime and generally have a laugh. Hope you were able to come but if you missed it then there's always next year which will no doubt be bigger and better.

Sreenings this Thursday will be in CG01 in henry gratten. Hopefully if all goes well we might stay there as it's been newly renovated. It's located directly opposite the canteen in the henry gratten if not sure where.

People as usual generally turn up about 6 and hang about till 7 when we will start screenings.

This week we'll show;

1) Hatsukoi Limited


2) Michiko to Hatchin

If you have any suggestions please stick them down here otherwise I'll be picking randomness

New poll is located here so vote away!

Ok that's all from me!


AMS Film Officer