Here are the results of this year's AGM.
There were 2 ammendments to the constitution:
- Add the position of Ordindary Member to the committee.
- Add the position of Console Ents to the committee and split up Ents into
PC Ents and Console Ents
There were no objections.
The following committee positions were elected:
Chair: Dermot Ryan (hix)
Secretary: Simon Kilroy (Rampage)
Treasurer: Robert Cooke (cooker3)
Webmaster: Daniel Doyle (calyx)
PRO: John Doyle (Art_Wolf)
PC Ents: Stephen Courtney (steoc4)
Ordinary Member: David Connolly (Zyox)
There was no-one elected to fill the Console Ents position. This is still
available. Applications on a postcard.
There were no objections.
Fantastic 5min AGM, thanks for the turnout
All hail new committee members.
- David Connolly
Chairperson, DCU Games Soc
(well, I am for a bit more anyway :P)
Hey guys,
Final reminder that the AGM is tonight in the Seminar Room at 6:30pm sharp.
Turn up at about 6:20ish to avoid disruption and get things moving quickly.
For last minute updates etc. on who's running and any ammendments not
mentioned below check the forums at
Heres who's running for what:
Chair: Dermot Ryan (hix)
Secretary: Simon Kilroy (Rampage)
Treasurer: Robert Cooke (cooker3)
Webmaster: Daniel Doyle (calyx)
PRO: John Doyle (Art_Wolf)
PC Ents: Stephen Courtney (steoc4)
Console Ents: ?
I also propose to add a position of Ordinary Member who's role is to help
and assist the cmte next year.
If you would like to run for any of the above positions come along to the
AGM and do so :o) GamesSoc needs j00 etc :o)
- David Connolly
Chairperson, DCU Games Society
The Game Soc's AGM is set for Monday, 19th April in the Seminar room starting
at 6:30pm.
If you wish to run for a position please email games(a) Also
if you wish to suggest a change to the soc's constitution email it to us.
Information about the AGM is available on the site
"The Chairperson shall be the chief officer of the society whose functions
include chairing all meetings of the committee and officiating at meetings
of the society.(plus they pretty much do the communication between the soc
and the membership, college and sponsors)
The Secretary's function shall be to deal with all correspondence and records
of the society and to notify all members of meeting times. They shall duly
record the minutes of both committee and general assembly meetings.(Or in
reality, pretty much do the same thing as the chair, and help out with the
other stuff)
The Treasurer 's function shall be to administer the funds of the society
and to maintain accounts and budgets.
The Public Relations Officer (PRO) shall be responsible for the advertising
of all functions of the society through all means possible. The office of
PRO shall have the responsibility of organising all receptions held by the
society, aided where necessary by other committee members.
The Webmaster shall be responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance
of the web site. They shall work in conjunction with other members of the
committee in order to publicise society details via the web.
The Ents Officer shall have the responsibility of organising all receptions
held by the society.(though this kinda includes equipment as well)"
Ents to be split into PC Ents and Console Ents
Will be responsible for organising and overseeing LAN nights and CSD gaming.
They will also be required to organise a team to run DCU's Mega LAN.
Will be responsible for organising and overseeing Console Nights. Booking
rooms and equipment as needed and running a console tournament each semester.
P poking
R real
O often
Just to advise people that have not been on the Game Soc boards (
but due to the bank holiday on Monday, the tournament was postponed till
tonight. Tonights game is Halo and will begin with a 8 player capture the
flag warmup followed by the actuall tournament and more 8player madness
to finish up the night!
John Doyle
P poking
R real
O often