Hey folks,
Just a quick update about the AGM. Due to a mixed up with booking the
location of the AGM has been changed to CG01 in the Henry Grattan.
So thats - TOMORROW, 5pm SHARP in CG01, Henry Grattan.
Information on the positions available can be found here:
We'd also like to encourage members not going for positions to still come
along. It won't take too long and it would be nice to get some input from
you guys regarding upcoming events.
Anyway, hope to see you guys there!
DCU Games Society
Hi folks,
Well its that time of year again and so, as the subject of this mail
suggests, Games Soc are going to be holding its AGM soon. The event itself
we will be held next Tuesday, March 21st in CG12 in the Henry Gratten
Building at 5pm sharp. This is your opportunity to get involved with the
society and take a place on our committee for the upcoming year. It will
also be a place to voice any of your opinions about the running of the
society in general and to ask any of the current committee any questions
you have regarding the positions. There will also be a thread on the
forums, http://games.redbrick.dcu.ie/forums, regarding this so feel free
to ask us us anything you want to know!
Hope to see you guys there!
DCU Games Society
Hey folks,
Just to let you know that we'll be having the last sign up for the BYOPC
LAN TODAY from 12-3. This is going to be the last scheduled time to sign
up so after this if anyone wants to attend the event they're going to have
to arrange to meet one of the committee and pay the entrance fee. We will
not be admitting people on the day due to the larger numbers involved this
However don't fret, there are still a few places left so if your
interested in coming then pop along to the stand and sign up!
DCU Games Society
Hey folks,
Just a quick reminder of our first GamesSoc Retro Event which is taking
place this Wednesday in the Seminar Room from 1-4:30pm. This event
promises to be one of the most eclectic of the year as we take a trip down
memory lane with such consoles as SNES, NES and Mega Drive. We are also
encouraging you guys to bring along any old consoles and games that youd
like played so if you have any up in the attic then dustem off and bring
them along!
There will also be competitions held during the event with prizes being
donated by the lovely people at Games Exchange, Dublins largest retailer
of Retro, Second Hand and hard to find PC and console games. Refreshments
will also be provided to keep you guys going in between sessions.
As I said it should be a really good event so hope to see you all there.
DCU Games Society
While cleaning up we found a phone in C204, please
reply to games(a)redbrick.dcu.ie to collect it.
DCU Gaming Society.
mail games(a)redbrick.dcu.ie for more information
Hey folks,
Sorry for another mail but just to let you guys know that the sign up
table will be up until 4pm today due to a rather late start this morning.
DCU Games Society
Hey folks,
Just a quick reminder that the sign up table for our upcoming LAN is going
to be tomorrow, in the Henry Gratten building from 11am to 2pm. If you
want to come along to this event this is the place to sign up!
Admission is 10 for the entire weekend and gains you entry to all our
competitions, each with their own kickass prizes. A word of warning
however, there are limited places at this event so if your definitly
interested in attending then don't leave it too late. There will be
another sign up table next week but theres no guarentee that there'll
still be places available so come early and don't be disappointed!
Anyway, it should be a fantastic event so hope to see as many of you there
as possible.
DCU Games Society