Hey guys,
Hope everyone's staying safe during the lockdown! Due to said lockdown,
we'll be holding our AGM online through Google Meet this Saturday from 6pm
onwards! All of the committee positions (except 1st Year Rep) will be open
to election, so if you're interested in joining the committee now's the
perfect time!
Before the elections we'll be voting on proposed changes to the Gamesoc
Constitution. These changes are: Removal of the Vice-Chair position from
the committee, Removal of 1 Console Officer, 1 Tabletop Officer and 1 PC
Officer position from the committee, addition of 1 Ordinary Member position
to the committee. The proposed new constitution can be found attached to
this email!
The position's being elected are:
Community Manager
Events and Trips Officer
Console Officer
Tabletop Officer
PC Officer
St Pat's Rep
2 Ordinary Members
Good luck to everyone who plans on running for a position!
Luke Gilroy
Game Society Secretary
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