Hey all,
Just letting you know that the Humans vs Zombies web page is now up and running. You can sign up for the game here: http://games.dcu.ie/hvz/index.php
Keep in mind that this is not the same as your GamesSoc website account. You will have to register for this as well.
The rules have been changed slightly this year, so make sure you read over them. Once you have registered, log in and click "View Game", and then join the game.
If you want the chance to be one of the Original Zombies, make sure to tick the box before you finish joining the game.
We'll be giving out headbands on Monday next week in the Hub, so you can pick those up there.
Also, there will be a briefing this Thursday at 5pm, given by Fionn, our Trad Officer. We're not sure where it will be. Another email will be sent out soon confirming the location.
Good luck,
Niall Gaffney DCU Games Society Secretary 2013-2014