Week 5: Auction Night!

AGM season!

We're hosting our AGM soon! During week 6 on the Wednesday 6th of March from 6pm, we'll be in XG01 electing our next year committee! Come join us and watch our battle to the death for our committee positions! Remember all positions are up for grabs for all members so if you fancy being on our committee come down and run for something!

The positions that are up for grabs are as follows:

Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Public Relations Manager, Community Manager, 2 Console Officers, 2 Tabletop Officers, 2 Pc Officers, St. Pat's Campus Representative, Webmaster, Trips and Events Officer and Ordinary Member

If you find a role that interests you why not come down and try get yourself elected!

Auction Night!

This Tuesday in the Hive from 6pm we'll be hosting an Auction! We have an extremely large variety of things on sale ranging from board games all the way up to video games! All proceeds from this event will be donated to charity that will be announced soon.

Console Gaming

Join us once again in the Entrepreneurship Hub this Wednesday and play some video games! We'll be running Console gaming from 1pm to around 6pm.

Tabletop Gaming

Train up your totem grabbing skills since this week at Tabletop Gaming we're running a Jungle Speed tournament! Join us on Wednesday in the Entrepreneurship Hub from 6pm. Sign ups are €2 per person with King of GamesSoc points and a €20 Gamersworld voucher as the grand prize!

Tabletop Gaming will also be running on Monday in XG01 from 5pm-10pm.

PC Gaming

Pc gaming will be running in the Entrepreneurship Hub this Thursday from 5pm-10pm! Don't forget to bring your own mice, keyboards, laptops etc since while we do provide those things there's not enough for everyone!

Discord nights are also happening this weekend! On Friday and Saturday from 8pm join us as we fool around doing who knows what.


GamesSoc Secretary

Séanadh Ríomhphoist/

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