Oh hi,
I hope you've all had a pleasent weekend, refreshed and ready for another week of Games Soc events!
-LAN -DS Tournament -EirtaKon -Hoodies -Regular Events
-LAN- You read that right. We're hoping to hold our usual semesterly BYOPC (bring your own PC) LAN on the weekend of the 21st/22nd of November. We're still ironing out the final details on the venue, but hopefully it should all work out with any problems *cough*. So keep your diaries open for that weekend!
-DS Tournament- This Wednesday from 2pm, we're holding a Mario Kart DS tournament. Entry will be free, however you will need your own DS. Mario Kart itself is download play, so you don't need to worry about not having it. Fun prizes up for grabs!
-EirtaKon- DCU's very own Anime & Manga convention is on this weekend (Friday-Sunday) with several game tournaments being held there. So if you have bought a ticket, we can reimburse you for it. All you have to do is find one of our lovely committee members at one of our events.
More infomation about EirtaKon here: http://www.eirtakon.com/
-Hoodies- This is for those of you who have yet to pay the €10 deposit for the hoodies order. We know where you live. Please pay us at your earliest convenience.
-Regular Events- I'm sure most of you know what these are about by now, so I'll just give you a brief outline of what's going on as a reminder. Monday - Traditional Gaming from 6pm in CG19 (the Henry Grattan) Tuesday - Game Programming Tutorials in L101 (the School of Computing) from 5-6pm. Everyone welcome! Then in the evening we get together (kind of) for Blinky Night, where we all log on to our gaming sever, Blinky. More about Blinky here: http://games.dcu.ie/forums/index.php?board=12.0 Wednesday - Console Gaming from 2pm in the Old Bar and then Traditional Gaming from 6pm in the Henry Grattan. Thursday - Lab Gaming in C204 (the Henry Grattan) from 6pm.
That's about it for this week! Be sure to sign up to our forums if you haven't already (http://games.dcu.ie/forums) and send us any comments, complaints, suggestions to games@redbrick.dcu.ie
Have a good week, Seamus