Hey guys and gals,
GamesSoc is planning a great night out next Tuesday (March 10th) to see the new film Watchmen in Santry and back to the old bar for a few drinks afterwards!
The times for next weeks showings have not ye been announced but we are aiming to go see a show between 6.30-7pm, meeting in The Hub about 30 minutes beforehand to head down to Santry Omniplex. Afterwards we'll cap off the night with a few drinks back in the old bar in DCU.
The last cinema trip was a great laugh so make sure you keep next Tuesday evening free if you like fun! You do like fun right?! :)
We'll send off another mail with exact details of what time we'll be meeting and the showing time for the film as soon as they are available. So keep an eye out for that over the next few days.
Robby Chairperson, DCU GamesSoc http://games.dcu.ie