Hey guys,
- BYOPC 8 - AGM Results
= BYOPC 8 =
We can now officially announce that our next Bring Your Own PC LAN will be held the weekend of April 5th/6th in the Hub, in DCU. The event is a 24 hour LAN party with tournaments running in the following games:
-- Call of Duty 4 (5v5) -- CounterStrike: Source (5v5) -- Company of Heroes (2v2) -- Unreal Tournament (1v1)
The winners and runners up of every tournament will receive really cool prizes of games and game vouchers!
Of course aside from the tournaments, lots of other games will be played throughout the night. Games such as Supreme Commander, Dawn of War, Quake 3, C&C 3, ET:Quake Wars, Battlefield 2 & 2142, Team Fortress 2 and more will all make appearances. We will also have a console area setup with our XBox 360, Wii, PS3 and Gamecubes to provide some causal gaming for the evening.
For everyone bringing a PC to the event you will need the following:
- LAN Cable - Power Adapter - Headphones (no speakers will be allowed) - PC + Monitor - Food!
So the LAN starts Saturday 12pm April 5th and ends Sunday 12pm April 6th, Admission will be 10 for members. You can register for the event at www.byopc.dcu.ie
= AGM =
On Wednesday GamesSoc members voted in the new committee for 2008/2009, your new committee are:
- Chairperson: Robert O'Reilly - Secretary: Gavin Tubritt - Treasurer: David O'Laigheanain - PRO: Kevin Fox - Webmaster: Andrew Martin - Trips Officer: Dennis McCartney - Console Ents: Shane Khublall - PC Ents: Seamus Ronan - Traditional Gaming Officer: Sean Hand
We look forward to next year with these awesome bunch of guys!
And thats that, don't forget to keep an eye on the forums for any LAN discussions at http://games.dcu.ie/forums
Robby Secretary, DCU GamesSoc http://games.dcu.ie