We're well over halfway through the semester. Scary, isn't it?
--Trad Gaming: Mon 6pm - 10pm XG01, Wed 6pm - 10pm XG14-- --PC Gaming: Tues 6pm - 10pm, Thurs 6pm - 10pm C204-- --Console Gaming Tournament: Blur: 2pm - 6pm X146-- --Hoodies-- --Magic the Gathering Draft--
--Trad Gaming-- Trad Gaming is back this week as usual in XG01 and XG14 on Monday and Wednesday respectively, and we've got a trophy to hand out for Love Letter this week. You'll all be told what you've gotta do when you get there on Wednesday!
--PC Gaming-- Padraig's having a bit of a laugh this week with two more trophies to give out. The first, on Tuesday, will be "The Most Loveliest Trophy" for the person who builds what he deems the nicest house in Minecraft. The second is "Zombie Daredevil", but what is it for? You'll have to come to C204 and find out on Thursday!
--Console Gaming Tournament-- We're changing places to X146 this week, with another tournament in Console Gaming this week with Blur! The fast-paced racing game that's been described as "Mario Kart on steroids", because that's pretty much what it is. The prize will be the usual €20 voucher for GameStop, as well as a trophy to bring you that much closer to being crowned the King of GamesSoc.
As always with these things, the tournament will cost €2 to enter, and signups will be taken until 3pm.
--Hoodies-- This is the last week we'll be taking money for the hoodie order, so make sure you get your €25 to someone on the committee with your name and choice of colour by the end of the week. For the full list of colours and approximate size of the hoodies, please look here: http://games.dcu.ie/forums/index.php?topic=3408.0
--Magic the Gathering Draft-- Our MTG draft tournament will be held in week 9, and there are still spaces left! If you want to sign up, it costs €10 to put your name down. If you want to take part, please give your name and money to a committee member at Trad Gaming this week.
That's all folks!
Niall Gaffney DCU Networking Society Helpdesk 2013-2014 DCU Games Society Secretary 2013-2014