Hey guys,
Gamecon is a BYOPC (Bring Your Own PC) LAN in Lucan from the 6th-8th of March. Preregistration and payment has to be completed by the 2nd of March. Games on the menu include COD4, CSS, DOW2, DOTA and UT3. There is a sleeping area, with rooms available at extra cost. More information can be found here: http://www.gamecon.ie/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&a...
As this is fairly short notice, we require you to register and pay youselves, and when you present a committee member with proof of registration, we will reimburse you. I would ask that all members interested in attending email me @ democanarchis@gmail.com so that we can gauge numbers and budgeting etc.
Later guys,
Dennis Trips Officer