Our second Wired LAN Night is taking place this Friday (November 7th) in Wired. Basically the same setup as last time and those of you who didn't get the chance to come last can now. The lan will run from 9pm on Friday, through the night, until 8am on Saturday morning. Members can turn up any time after 9pm but before 10:30pm at the latest. You are free to leave any time during the night if you so desire (for the weaklings ;-)) This promises to be a quality LAN for Games Soc especially with the prospect of a DCU Counter Strike team emerging soon, this would be the ideal night to come along and show us what you got going for yourself CS-wise. Of course we won't just be limited to CS. There will, undoubtedly, be plenty of Battlefield 1942, Desert Combat, C&C Generals, Halo, Multi Theft Auto, and anything else we find that's playable on the machines :)
We will operate the same signup system as before, 5eur per head for DCU Games Soc members and 12eur for non-members (ie. if you want to bring a friend). We fill at 25 players so sign up real soon if you wish to go. A table shall be set up in The Street in the Henry Grattan Building (beside AIB Bank) on Monday (tomorrow) between 1pm and 5pm if you wish to sign up. We ask for cash up front, no exceptions. You pay on the spot and you guarantee a place on the night :o)
Just a friendly reminder that the last signup only took 4 hours for us to fill the event. So get cracking if you want to be sure to get a place.
If you have any questions send us an email at or (preferably) bring it up on our forums (at
Hope to see you guys at the lan :-)
- David Connolly
Chairperson, DCU Games Society