Duration: 48 Hours
6PM 1st June
6PM 3rd June

Entry Fee:

The Helix, DCU, Glasnevin

Hello all!

This year marks DCU GamesSoc’s 10th anniversary. In celebration, we are hosting a 48 hour “Bring your own PC and Console LAN” in The Helix, DCU. This event is open to everyone from both inside and outside DCU.

There will be six official tournaments held throughout the LAN in which each team or player will compete for prizes. There will be three held on each consoles and PC. For solo tournaments, prizes will be awarded to first, second and third places and for teams only first place will be rewarded.

The tournaments are as follows:

There will also be a number of spot tournaments with small prizes to be won throughout the LAN.

Attendee Requirements

If you are bringing a PC, please perform a full virus scan prior to the event.

We will be having  BBQs on Saturday for lunch/dinner so make sure you bring plenty of your own food for the rest of the LAN.

Facilities on site:

If you wish to attend our awesome LAN, please go to the signup page located here (or here: http://games.dcu.ie/#event18 ) and signup now and also make sure that you tell your friends to check it out.

Hope to see you there!

DCU GamesSoc