DCU Games Society - Semester 2
Email highlights:
- Positions of PRO and Events manager up for election
- Lab Gaming progress update
- New time slot for Console Nights
- Console Tournament
- Bring Your Own PC LAN Event update
Hey guys,
Right just a nice email to let you know where things are going with the society in general because we've been getting lots of questions from our members and lots of stuff has been happening lately so it's probably about time we filled you in a bit.
Firstly are the 2 new committee poistions available. Our current Events Manager is sailing around the world in search of albino elephants and won't be back until next year. Being the Events Manager basically involves helping to book rooms for our events, picking up projectors and TV from the Audio Visual Dept. and sorting out LAN Night arrangements when we have them. Now the thing is everyone on the committee helps run the Console Nights and most of us run the LAN nights as many of you know. The booking of rooms is taken care of so far for the semester so the Events Manager is basically just a formal title for another committee member needed on the committee to help out with these general responsibilies. You'll have to email some places off campus if we wish to run events there and sometimes book rooms, but mainly helping out while we have events. If you feel you are up to this then definately drop us a mail back or come talk to us during one of our events.
Secondly is the position of PRO (Public Relations Officer). This role can be undertaken similar to above if you wish (ie. helping out with general running of things. Many hands making light work and such) but mainly that's not required. That would only be an ideal situation :o) We need a PRO that will design posters to promote the society, get them printed up, and place them around campus before events and such. We already have lots of high quality templates left for us by god himself, John Mellerick, which can be used. The designing takes only a little time and the printing looks after itself once they are sent into Xerox. Then all you need to do is hang them around campus. Also, the PRO needs to submit pictures and brief articles/descriptions to An Tarbh and such magazines about our upcoming events and reviews of previois ones to promote the society. This is rather a simple task to undertake once someone has the commitment and time to put into it. Also experience in poster design is most definately preferable. Some basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop or (shudder) Paint Shop Pro would be looked upon favourably and if you knew how to do vector art in Adobe Illustrator we would bribe you to take up this position :-D
Our past PROs have had nasty disappearing accidents as well, a lot like the drummers from Spinal Tap, so we are keen to get one that we can keep for a while and will do some good work for us :o) Email us with your experience and what you feel you could do, maybe even with a link to some sample work youve done somewhere to boost your chances.
Another Lab Gaming update: Lots of work has been going on behind the scenes to finally get lab gaming in operation. CSD have given us the proper go ahead to do it and we are currently talking with them about how to put it into action. If you check the forums you will see the discussion relating to it and how we are trying to find ways to implement gaming in the labs before we can go any further. Thanks to all those who replied to the email asking for help as well, it really contributed.
Console nights will resume this semester next week on Monday 23rd. The usual time slot is 6:30pm until 9pm every Monday (apart from the first Monday where because of a booking conflict its 8pm - 10pm). The nights take place, as usual, in the Seminar Room upstairs (beside SU Reception) in The Hub. All members are welcome as well as those wishing to join on the night. Console Nights promise to be a lot better this semester with the usualy multiplayer Halo turning up (always a favourite) but now 8 player Mario Kart: Double Dash. We have 2 gamcubes and 2 ethernet adapters with a slick crossover cable just aching to be used.
With the popularity of our Console Nights so far we are also going to be running a Console Tournament. Details on this will follow later but be assured there will be some rather decent prizes and quality games for the tournament. Keep your eye on the boards and website for that one.
The committee is just flying around the place getting things in motion for the Bring Your Own PC LAN event in April and hopefully this will go ahead. Just thought I'd mention that we are busting a gut to get it under way and hopefully it will keep you all nice and excited thinking about the prospect of a weekend of gaming for 60 players on campus is DCU.
That's about it for now, if you have any questions please email the committee on games@redbrick.dcu.ie or preferably stick them on the web forums at http://games.redbrick.dcu.ie/forums which is our main place for contacting members and letting you know of up to the minute updates on events etc. Sign up and get reading :o) Theres also some good gaming related discussion up there too.
Sorry for the hugely long email by the way,
- David Connolly
Chairperson, DCU Games Society