Another weekend gone another week of getting up early for lectures and assignments, but hey you have Gamessoc so you know, silver lining.

So without further delay here is what is happening this week:

-- Trad Gaming - As Normal [Mon,Wed] --
-- Console Gaming - As Normal[Wed] --
-- Gamessoc Hoodies: Last Week to order! --

I hope you guys enjoyed the new games we got last week! Unlikely you managed to play them all so why not come around to play the rest of them!
We will have some good old games too so don't you worry!
You can find Trad Gaming on Mondays in XG01 from 6-10pm and on Wednesdays in XG01 from 5-10pm.

Glad you guys liked last weeks Rocket League tournament! This week we go back to our regular schedule of Console goodness!
You can find Console Gaming with all of it's Tv's, consoles and games on Wednesdays from 2-5pm in XG01.

UPDATE: Hey guys just letting you know that this is the last week you guys can order a Gamessoc hoodie!

As a quick refresher:
They are €25 each.
They come in a hoodie or zippy variety like so:
They look like this:

Deposits are €15
If you want one email us telling which one you want in what size and color.
Simple right?

Remember it's last week to get one so act now while you have the chance!

That's all for this week and I will see you in the next!

Don't forget to like us on Facebook
And follow us on Twitter

Until next time,
Edward Moriarty
GamesSoc Secretary 2015/16

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