Evening everyone! I hope you are settling in well into the new semester and have had fun last week with us at Gamessoc!

So without further delay here is what is happening this week:

-- Trad Gaming - New Board Games! [Mon,Wed] --
-- Console Gaming - 1v1 Rocket League Tournament [Wed] --
-- Q-Con Convention Details --
-- Gamessoc Hoodies --
-- AGM --

Board games are great, but you know what's better? New board games! That's right boys and girls we just got a bunch of new games including Dead of Winter, Sheriff of Nottingham, Coup, Codenames and more!
So be sure to come to Trad this week to get your hands these goodies!
You can find Trad Gaming on Mondays in XG01 from 6-10pm and on Wednesdays in XG01 from 5-10pm.

I heard you guys like Rocket League, so you peeps get a Rocket League Tournament! Here's the details:

Matches are 1v1
First to 5 goals
5 Minutes per Match
Sign-ups from 2pm-3pm
Tournament start at 3pm

Anyway I hope to see you guys there for the tournament to the wonderful sequel to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars!
You can find Console Gaming on Wednesdays from 2-5pm in XG01.

Ever heard of Q-Con? No? Ok well let me tell you a little bit about it.
Q-Con is a big anime and gaming convention held in Belfast every year that we as Gamessoc attend for the weekend and have a great time!
This is one of the biggest events we hold each year and it's definitely something not to be missed!
Between entering game tournaments(Video, Trad and Card), watching anime screening, attending panels and talks from guests, achieving victory at the pub quiz, seeing all the great cosplay and having a laugh with friends in a once off pen and paper RPG there is something for everyone!
Then once you have had your fill at the con you retire to the Queens College accommodation (elms village) where we will be staying for the weekend to eat junk food, play games, have some drink and possibly play Ninja into the wee hours of the morning all to do it again the next day!
Right! Hopefully that has got you at least interested in Q-Con so here are some details!

Currently there is no date confirmed for 2016 but last year it was in late June so we expect it to be around that time this as well.  We will let you all know when we know!
So for the low price of approx. €70 you get the bus to and from DCU to the accommodation, the weekend ticket for the Con and the 3 nights stay at said accommodation.
We are able to bring an extra 5 people this year so we can have a group as big as 30!
We will start taking names once we get a confirmation on the date of the con and the cost of the trip.
If you want to know more in the mean time don't hesitate to ask us as we can tell you more about the con in general and specifics in detail for questions.

What's a Society without Hoodies? Want a Gamessoc that you might have seen around? Well have we got a deal for you!
For €25 you can have your very own Gamessoc hoodie!

You can get either a hoodie or a zippy (linked below) with the Gamessoc logo on it which should look something like this!:


So we will be taking a €15 deposit for these hoodies and if you want one make sure you email us telling whether you want a Hoodie or a Zippy and what color you want it in!
We will be taking orders for 2 weeks so if you want'em let us know!

Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be taking place this semester during week 6.
If you are unfamiliar with what an AGM is or what we do during one here's how it works.
During the AGM we briefly talk about the society but most importantly this is when we elect the committee for the following year.
Every position is available to run for except for the First Year Rep which gets elected from new first years during the start of the academic year.
Then after the newly elected committee have a committee meeting with the current members.
Pizza...there will also be pizza, most definitely pizza.

That's all for this week and I will see you next week!

Don't forget to like us on Facebook
And follow us on Twitter

Until next time,
Edward Moriarty
GamesSoc Secretary 2015/16

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