Week 10: All hail the Great Hair!

We have renamed to HairSoc!

Today, on April 1st we're happy to announce that we're rebranding! From this point onwards we shall be known as HairSoc! Our first event after the rebranding is to worship Brendan's luxurious hair!

Look at that thing, now you can't look away even if you wanted to.

St. Pat's Hair night!

We're spreading our roots to St. Pat's campus this week! Join us in e203 from 6pm-9pm as we all run through the worship ritual while also maybe playing a board game or two!

Console Hairsole Gaming

This week in Hairsole gaming we'll be appreciating Wario's hairline as we host a WarioWare tournament! Join us in the Entrepreneurship Hub from 1pm-6pm to view Wario in all his glory. Wario ain't free though! Sign ups are €2 per person with the grand prize of a €20 GamesStop voucher going to the most dedicated hair enthusiast!

Tabletop Hairtop Gaming

Hairtop gaming is hosting a Magic Hair the Gathering Draft this Monday! It'll run from 6pm in X101 with sign ups being €7 per person. Beginners are especially welcome as we try convert you to our cult/friendly community! The set we're going to be drafting with is Ravnica Hairnica Allegiance!

Monday and Wednesday Hairtop gaming will run as normal with our prayer sessions to the grand hair running from 5pm-10pm in XG01 on Monday and 6pm-10pm in the Entrepreneurship Hub on Wednesday!

PC HairC Gaming

This week's HairC gaming will run in the Entrepreneurship Hub on Thursday from 5pm-10pm! This week theme will be Left for Dead Hair 2!

Remember to bring your own hairtops, hairsets, haice etc. as well! While we have a lot of Pcs we unfortunately can't provide for everyone!

Along with this Discord Hair-worshiping nights are a thing! Join us and idolise perfect hairlines, play hair dating sims till 4am starting at 8pm every Friday and Saturday!


HairSoc Secretary

Séanadh Ríomhphoist/

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