Hey guys,
- Console Gaming - Lab Gaming - Hoodies - Cinema Trip
- Consoles -
So its the final week of the semester, and the last console gaming until February! So make sure you don't miss it! Things will be kicking off at 2pm in the seminar room, where we'll have all the consoles setup and our lovely new 32" LCD TV :) There'll be plenty of free refreshments too!
- Lab Gaming -
And on Thursday its the final lab gaming of the year! So make sure you get your fill of CS, GTA2, Quake 3, Trackmania and all the rest by turning up @ 6pm, C204 in the Henry Grattan Building.
- Hoodies -
An update on the hoodies order, there are now zip-up hoodies available aswell as the original. Both types are the same design, except that the zip-up hoody has a zip ;) The price of the hoodies will be 40 and we'll hopefully be ordering sometime this (or next) week, so if you want a hoody and don't want to wait until next year ORDER NOW! :)
- Cinema Trip -
Sometime next week we'll be going on a trip to see the new film 'Hitman', an adaptation of the famous hitman games. We'll send out a mail next week with a day & time.
And with that, semester one is over. Thanks to all the members who have come out week after week to all our events and made this a really great year so far. Look forward to more awesomeness (it's a word.) next semester when we return!
So on behalf of the entire GamesSoc committee, Good Luck with your exams and have a Merry Chirstmas!
Robby Secretary, DCU GamesSoc