Week 3: Intersoc Castlevania Screening with AMS and Speed Friending with Harry Potter Soc!

Castlevania Screening with Anime and Manga Society!

And so it's results week, to help you relieve stress from your upcoming exams we at Games Soc are bringing plenty of events this week that you're sure to enjoy.

As our wildcard night this week we're watching the Castlevania anime with the Anime and Manga Society on Tuesday from 6pm-10pm in C124. Come on down and enjoy this masterpiece with us.

Speed Friending with Harry Potter Society!

Join us as we cohost a speed friending session with Harry Potter Soc on Wednesday from 6.30pm! Come along to XG15 and make some new friends! The link to the event page can be found here.

Console Gaming

Consoles this week will again be in the Entrepreneurship Hub in the Student Center from 1pm-5pm on Wednesday! Pop down and relax and play some of our favourite games with us as a mid week breather!

Tabletop Gaming

Like last week Tabletop gaming will be hosted on Monday in XG01 from 5pm-10pm and on Wednesday in the Entrepreneurship Hub from 5pm-10pm! Will the fabled Uno make a return or not this week? Who knows you'll only find out if you come along and play a few games!

Along with this the Mental Health Society will be joining us for our Wednesday Tabletop Gaming session this week so don't miss out!

PC Gaming

Pc gaming is alive and well so join us for some games this Thursday from 5pm-10pm in the Entrepreneurship Hub! Although we do provide Pcs and utensils it is recommended you bring your own since it's first come first serve!

Along with this we're hosting Discord nights every Friday and Saturday from 8pm where we hop onto our Discord server and play whatever we desire till we fall asleep so come join in on the fun!


GamesSoc Secretary

Séanadh Ríomhphoist/

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