Hi guys, the deadline for submitting material for DCUTV is near so I hope all your productions are going well. Here are a few important points.
- The closing date for submission of material is Saturday 29th March. That's saturday week. You need to get any FINISHED programmes to me by saturday.
- If you have footage shot, but need it edited, DO NOT APPROACH LOANS! contact either Michael Harte or me, and we'll help you out, the sooner you let us know the better. - If any of you have any programmes made for academic use, please ask the lecturer to give you a copy as soon as possible.
Useful contact: Tom O'Dwyer: tom.odwyer2@mail.dcu.ie 085 7205141 Michael Harte: michael.harte2@mail.dcu.ie 087 9231736 Sarah Mulkerrins: sarah.mulkerrins2@mail.dcu.ie 087 7911073
I live on res, and Michael lives very close by, so don't hesitate to contact us. (especially if its to give us finished programmes!)
THanks and good luck, Tom O'Dwyer