hello all,
thanks to everyone who emailed me back re their interest in the DCU fm workshops.
i have set and confirmed dates with michael and it's full steam ahead! there will be two classes, one for beginners and one for intermediates. this schedule is at the bottom of this message.
unfortunately we are limited to 15 places in each class. as you know it is based on a first come first served basis. the sign-up sheets will go up on the MPS notice board on tuesday morning and the first to have their names down on each sheet will decide who will be taking the classes for the next three weeks.
if you put your name down YOU MUST TURN UP FOR EVERY SESSION. please don't put your name down if you cannot or do not intend on following through. because there are only 30 places in all, it's not fair to sign up if you are only half serious.
if you don't get a chance to partake, fear not! all is not lost. i hope to run another set of workshops in semester two.
if you do sign up and for whatever reason, cannot go, please make sure you email me so i can fill your place with another eager beaver!
good luck to all and i'll see ye next wednesday!
aideen finnegan DCUfm Programmes Officer
wednesday 29th 0ct: 2-3pm MPS Beginners workshop
wednesday 5th Nov: 2-4pm MPS Beginners Workshop 4-5pm MPS Intermediate Workshop
wednesday 12th Nov: 2-3pm MPS Beginners Workshop 3-?pm MPS Intermediate workshop
"Help, I'm covered in bees... Help..!"