hiya everyone, siobhan here to wreck your heads again. Katherine Kenny in CS3 is organising a creative writing slot, so if there are any short stories/monologues that you'd like recorded give her an email katherine.kenny2@mail.dcu.ie-they should be about 5-8mins long depending
The arts show slot has been filled-I'll email everyone who got in touch with me
Need some candidates 4 health/student affairs/chat show and basically more shows lads, Could everyone that I've talked to about shows please email cos I'd hate to forget your idea. Hopefully I'll be in on Tuesday so I'll email yis all the w/end I'm sure you can't wait for that one- sorry if I'm wreckin your heads but thats what happens when u haven't been out for 8 days-I can't believe it,
Thanks again Siobhan