Hey guys, hope everybody enjoyed the break. What better way to finish off rag week than with a fantastic trip away?!
We're going to to Cork for two nights Fri 21st and Sat 22nd of this month, which is the end of week three.For a mere ?11 you get to have the best time of your student life (not neccesarily guaranteed). We're staying in 'An Oige' hostel which is right beside the city centre, and it includes bed linen- so there'll be no lugging of sleeping bags around - and two breakfasts. We'll be busing there and back and it'll be just the perfect oppurtunity for all to get to know one another as the journeys about five hours!!!
So the committe's all going (check out what rides we are at www.http://redbrick.dcu.ie/~mps), and there's a limited number of places available so you better mail me back fairly lively if you want to go! i'll mail you back only if you got a place.
Other news:::
our website is finally up! colette and naomi did a fantastic job, it'll be updated by the end of the week so keep your eyes peeled.
Don't forget about the FM and TV meetings next week on wednesday and thursday respectively.
Hybrid are sill looking for contributors (DJ's,images,& videos)so get on to the editor: colette.godfrey2@mail.dcu.ie
that's all for now folks, See you in Cork!
Rebekah O'Neill Chair MPS