These are the names of the people who enrolled in the 1st + 2nd premier editing workshops. Unfortunately, my video teacher booked the room last minute last wednesday so we were all thrown out on our ears. She has subsequently been dealt with accordingly. (Delete this email once you've read it) Anyhow, due to the unavailability of the rooms during the day, we have to host our workshops in the evening @ 6pm. This is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday), and seeing as the table quiz is on afterwards, it all fits in perfectly. So, to cut a long garble short, all those who's names are below try your very best to make it to the workshop tomorrow @ 6pm, room C101.
Aisling Kelly Mark Watson Will Ernst Fabritius Aoife Henshaw Mark Brennan Roisin Connolly Laura Hyland Richard Price Luke Harris Emer McCartney
Gillian Quinn Marie O'Neill Michael Healy Celine Hughes Lizanne Barnwell Eimear Ryan Debbie Thornton Noemie Taylor Constance Janet Brian Malone
Webs Ite: Mo Bile : 0871 32 32 33